Befehl | Beschreibung | Beispiel |
gsAICostsExport | Export costmap to image file |
gsAICostsShow | Shows the costs per cell |
gsAICostsUpdate | Update costmap given width around the camera |
gsAIEnableDebug | Enables AI debugging |
gsAIObstaclesShow | Shows the obstacles around the camera |
gsAIPlanningDebug | Shows the last planning bit vector map |
gsAISetLastTarget | Sets AI Target to last position |
gsAISetTarget | Sets AI Target |
gsAISplinesCheckInterference [stepLength], [heightOffset], [defaultSplineWidth] | Check if AI splines interfere with any objects |
gsAISplinesShow | Toggle AI system spline visibility |
gsAIStart | Starts driving to target |
gsAIStationsShow | Toggle AI system stations ai nodes visibility |
gsAmbientSoundSystemReload | Reloads the ambient sound system |
gsAmbientSoundSystemToggleDebugView | Toggles the ambient sound system debug view |
gsAsyncManagerToggleDebugView | Toggles the debug view for overlaps and raycasts |
gsAutoSave | Enables/disables auto save |
gsAutoSaveInterval | Sets the auto save interval |
gsBaleAdd [fillTypeName], [isRoundbale], [width], [height], [length], [wrapState], [modName] | Adds a bale | gsBaleAdd straw true 1.2 |
gsBaleAddAll [drawSizeBox] | Adds a bale |
gsBaleList | List available bale types |
gsBrandUsageList | Prints a list of all used brands |
gsCameraFovSet | Sets camera field of view angle | gsCameraFovSet 30 (Standard ist 60) |
gsCameraManagerDebug | Toggle camera manager debug mode |
gsCollectiblesShowAll | Shows all collectibles on the map |
gsCollisionFlagShowAll | Shows all available collision flags |
gsCollisionMaskMappingReload |
gsCollisionMaskMappingVerbose |
gsCollisionPresetsExport | Export all collision presets to xml files |
gsCustomEnvMapList |
gsCustomEnvMapSet index |
gsDebugManagerClearElements | Removes all permanent elements and functions from DebugManager |
gsDebugManagerGroupRemove | Remove group and its debug elements |
gsDebugManagerGroupVisibilitySet groupId, [visibility] | Toggle or set visibility of given group name |
gsDebugManagerGroupsList | List all currently used debug element groups with visibility and number of elements |
gsDebugPhysicsCollisionsGroup | Opens a dialog to modify collision group debug options |
gsDensityMapToggleDebug | Toggles debug mode |
gsDepthOfFieldSetFarParams farCoC, farStart, farEnd | Set far depth of field parameters |
gsDepthOfFieldSetNearParams enabled, nearCoC, nearEnd | Set far depth of field parameters |
gsDestructibleObjectsDamageAdd | Add damage to destructible object camera is pointed at |
gsDestructibleObjectsDebug | Toggle DestructibleMapObjectSystem debug |
gsEnvironmentAreaSystemToggleDebugView | Toggles the environment checker debug view |
gsEnvironmentAutoExposureToggle | Toggles auto exposure |
gsEnvironmentFixedVisualsSet periodIndex | Sets the visual seasons to a fixed period |
gsEnvironmentMaskSystemToggleDebugView | Toggles the environment mask system debug view |
gsEnvironmentReload | Reloads environment |
gsEnvironmentSeasonalShaderDebug | Shows the current seasonal shader parameter |
gsEnvironmentSeasonalShaderSet | Sets the seasonal shader to a forced value |
gsFarmSet | Set farm for current player or vehicle |
gsFarmlandBuy | Buys farmland with given id |
gsFarmlandBuyAll | Buys all farmlands |
gsFarmlandSell | Sells farmland with given id |
gsFarmlandSellAll | Sells all farmlands |
gsFarmlandShow | Show farmlands |
gsFieldSetGround [fieldId], [groundTypeName], [angle], [groundLayer], [fertilizerState], [plowingState], [weedState], [limeState], [stubbleState], [buyField], [removeFoliage] | Opens UI to set state for specific field(s) |
gsFieldSetState [fieldId], [fruitName], [growthState] | Opens UI to set state for specific field(s) |
gsFieldToggleNPCLogging | Toggle field npc action logging |
gsFieldToggleStatus | Shows field status |
gsFillUnitAdd fillUnitIndex, fillTypeName, [amount] | Changes a fillUnit with given filllevel and filltype |
gsFruitTypesExportStats | Exports the fruit type stats into a text file |
gsGuiDebug |
gsGuiDrawHelper [lineSpacing [0..1]] |
gsGuiFocusDebug |
gsGuiSafeFrameShow |
gsHudVisibility | Toggle HUd visibility |
gsI3DCacheClean | Removes all cached i3d files to ensure the latest versions are loaded from disk |
gsI3DCacheShow | Show active i3d cache |
gsI3DLoadingDelaySet minDelaySec, [maxDelaySec], [minDelayCachedSec], [maxDelayCachedSec] | Sets loading delay for i3d files |
gsI3DPrintActiveLoadings | Print active loadings |
gsIgnitionLockDebug | Toggles the iginition lock debug view |
gsIndoorMaskToggle | Toggle indoor mask visualization |
gsInputContextPrint |
gsInputContextShow |
gsInputDebug |
gsInputDebugControllerSymbols |
gsInputDrawRaw |
gsInputRegisteredActionsShow |
gsLicensePlateCreateAIIcons numX, numY, variationIndex, position | Create license plate icons for AI vehicles |
gsLightProfileToggle | Toggles between high and low light profile on vehicles & placeables |
gsMaterialManagerDebug | Debug particle effect |
gsMoneyAdd [amount], [farmId] | Add a lot of money |
gsNetworkDebug | Toggle network debugging |
gsNetworkShowObjects | Toggle network show objects |
gsNetworkShowTraffic | Toggle network traffic visualization |
gsNetworkShowTrafficClients | Toggle client network traffic visualization |
gsNoteExport | Exports currently created note nodes as i3d file |
gsNoteList | Lists currently created note nodes in console/log |
gsObjectMaskPresetsExport | Export all object mask presets to xml files |
gsOverlayManagerReset | Deletes all currently loaded texture configurations |
gsPalletAdd fillTypeName, [fillAmount], [worldX], [worldZ] | Adds a pallet |
gsParticleSystemDebug | Debug particle effect |
gsPedestrianSystemDebug | Debug pedestrian system |
gsPedestrianSystemReload | Reload pedestrian system xml |
gsPedestrianSystemToggle | Toggle pedestrian system |
gsPlacementCollisionsShow | Shows the collisions for placement and terraforming |
gsPlayerAnimationDebug | Toggles animation debug view |
gsPlayerAnimationReload | Reloads the animations |
gsPlayerDebugFlagToggle | Toggles the debug display flag with the given name for the player |
gsPlayerDebugFlagVerbosityToggle | Toggles the debug display verbosity flag with the given name for the player |
gsPlayerFlightToggle | Enables flight to be toggled (key J). Use keys Q and E to change altitude |
gsPlayerNoClipToggle [disableTerrainCollision] | Toggles player collision. First argument is a boolean to determine if collision with the terrain should also be disabled |
gsPlayerSoundsDebug | Toggles sounds debug view |
gsPlayerSoundsReload | Reloads the sounds |
gsPlayerSuperSpeedToggle | Massively increases the movement speed of the player |
gsPlayerSuperStrengthToggle | Toggles the super strength mode for the player |
gsPowerConsumerSet | Sets properties of the powerConsumer specialization |
gsProductionPointSetFillLevel |
gsProductionPointSetOutputMode |
gsProductionPointSetOwner |
gsProductionPointSetProductionState |
gsProductionPointsList | List all production points on map |
gsProductionPointsPrintAutoDeliverMapping | Prints which fillTypes are required by which production points |
gsRenderColorAndDepthScreenShot |
gsRenderingDebugMode |
gsReverbSystemSettingsReload | Reloads the reverb settings |
gsReverbSystemToggleDebugView | Toggles the reverb debug view |
gsScriptCommandsList | Lists script-based console commands. Use ‚help‘ to get all commands |
gsSearch | Searches for script-based console commands containing the given string (name and description). Use ‚help‘ to get all commands |
gsSetFixedExposureSettings keyValue, minExposure, maxExposure | Sets fixed exposure settings |
gsSetHighQuality coeff, [foliageCoeff: default=coeff*0.5] | Increase draw and LOD distances of foliage, terrain and objects |
gsShallowWaterSimDebug | Toggle shallow water simulation debug mode |
gsShallowWaterSimExtraDepthSet extraDepth | Set water simulation extra depth |
gsShallowWaterSimPaint [circle|rect], [velocityScale], [radiusOrWidth], [height] | Paint shape on simulation |
gsShallowWaterSimParamSet updateStepTime, externalAcceleration, dampening | Set water simulation parameters |
gsShallowWaterSimReset | Reset water simulation |
gsShopUIToggle | Toggle shop config screen UI visibility |
gsSnowAdd | Add snow |
gsSnowAddSalt | Salt around player |
gsSnowReset | Reset snow |
gsSnowSet | Set snow |
gsSnowShaderSet | Force snow shader value for map objects |
gsSoundManagerDebug | Toggle SoundManager global debug mode |
gsSoundMixerDebug | Toggle sound mixer debug mode |
gsSplineDebug [displayEPs] | Toggles debug visualization for all splines currently in the scene |
gsStoneSystemAddDelta fieldId, [delta] | Add stone delta to field |
gsStoneSystemSetState fieldId, state | Set stone state to field |
gsStoneSystemToggleDebug | Toggles debug view |
gsStoreItemsReload | Reloads storeItem data |
gsTakeEnvProbes | Takes env. probes from current camera position |
gsTeleport farmlandId or xPos, [zPos], [useWorldCoords] | Teleports to given field or x/z-position |
gsTensionBeltDebug | Toggles the debug tension belt rendering of the vehicle |
gsTextureStreamingSetBudget |
gsTimeSet timeHours, [skipDayOnly] | Sets the day time in hours |
gsTipAnywhereAdd fillTypeName, amount, [length], [rows], [spacing] | Tips a fillType |
gsTipAnywhereAddAll | Tips a heap of every fill type that can be tipped |
gsTipAnywhereClear | Clears tip area |
gsTipCollisionsShow | Shows the collisions for tipping on the ground |
gsTipCollisionsUpdate | Updates the collisions for tipping on the ground around the current camera |
gsToneMapping | Toggle Tone Mapping dialog visibility |
gsTrafficSystemLightsDebug light|left|right|brake | Reloads traffic system |
gsTrafficSystemReload | Reloads traffic system |
gsTrafficSystemToggleDebug | Enables debug rendering for the collision geometry |
gsTrafficSystemValidate | Validates traffic system setup |
gsTreeAdd length, treeType, [growthState], [delimb] | Load a loose tree trunk |
gsTreeCut | Cut all trees around a given radius |
gsTreeDebug | Toggle tree/splitshape debug mode |
gsTreeLoadAll | Spawn all trees in front of player |
gsTreePlant treeType, number, growthState, variationIndex, isGrowing | Plant given number of trees of a specified type |
gsVehicleAddDamage | Adds a given amount to current damage amount |
gsVehicleAddDirt | Adds a given amount to current dirt amount |
gsVehicleAddWear | Adds a given amount to current wear amount |
gsVehicleAddWetness | Adds a given amount to current wetness amount |
gsVehicleAnalyze | Analyze vehicle |
gsVehicleBottomArmSetWidth | Sets the width of the bottom arm to a certain category width |
gsVehicleDebug | Toggles the vehicle debug values rendering |
gsVehicleDebugAttacherJointConnections jointIndex | Visualization of the connection hoses and power take offs per attacher joint |
gsVehicleDebugCastShadow | Visualizes all shapes that cast shadows |
gsVehicleDebugCylinderedUpdateDebug | Shows the name of each movingPart or movingTool that is updated |
gsVehicleDebugDecalLayer | Visualizes all shapes with decal layer |
gsVehicleDebugLOD | Enables vehicle LOD debug |
gsVehicleDebugLightIESProfiles | Enables and disables IES profiles on the light source (only the automatically assigned profiles) |
gsVehicleDebugMaterial materialTemplateName | Visualizes all shapes that got the given material template assigned |
gsVehicleDebugMergeGroups | Visualizes all merge groups |
gsVehicleDebugPassengerSeats | Enables debugging for passenger seat character targets |
gsVehicleDebugPowerTakeOffs | Spawns all power take offs in front of the player |
gsVehicleDebugSharedLights [defaultLight], [brakeLight], [highBeam], [workLightBack], [workLightFront], [turnLightLeft], [turnLeftRight], [reverseLight] | Spawns all shared lights in front of the player |
gsVehicleDebugToggleWheelDisplacement | Toggles the interaction of the wheels with the displacement |
gsVehicleDebugTopLights | Toggles between top and bottom lights |
gsVehicleDebugWetness | Visualizes the wetness masking of the vehicle |
gsVehicleDebugWheelEffects | Enabled the wheel effects all the time |
gsVehicleExportScenegraph | Exports the vehicle scenegraph to a xml file |
gsVehicleFuelSet | Sets the vehicle fuel level |
gsVehicleLoadAll [loadConfigs], [modsOnly], [palletsOnly], [verbose] | Load all vehicles |
gsVehicleOperatingTimeSet | Sets the vehicle operating time |
gsVehicleRecordAnimation | Turns on the state recording for the given animationName |
gsVehicleRecordState | Starts and stops vehicle state recording |
gsVehicleReload [resetVehicle], [radiusAroundPlayer] | Reloads currently entered vehicle or vehicles within a range when second radius parameter is given |
gsVehicleSaleSystemRefresh | Generate new set of sale items |
gsVehicleShowDistance | Shows the distance between vehicle and cam |
gsVehicleTemperatureSet | Sets the vehicle motor temperature |
gsVineSystemPrintCellMapping | Print the current cellmapping |
gsVineSystemSetGrowthState | Sets vineyard growthstate |
gsVineSystemToggleDebug | Toggles debug view |
gsVineSystemUpdateVisuals | Updates the visuals |
gsWeatherAdd | Adds a weather object by type |
gsWeatherDebug | Toggles weather debug |
gsWeatherReload | Reloads weather data |
gsWeatherSet | Sets a weather object by type |
gsWeatherSetClouds | Sets cloud data |
gsWeatherSetDebugWind | Sets wind data |
gsWeatherSetFog enabled, coverageEdge0, coverageEdge1, groundFogLevelDensity, groundFogExtraHeight, groundFogMinVallyDepth, heightFogMaxHeight, heightFogLevelDensity | Sets fog values |
gsWeatherToggleRandomWindWaving | Toggles waving of random wind |
gsWeatherTwisterSpawn | Adds a twister at current position in current direction |
gsWeedSystemAddDelta fieldId, [delta] | Add weed delta to field |
gsWeedSystemSetState fieldId, state | Set weed state to field |
gsWildlifeDespawnAll | Despawns all current instances |
gsWildlifeForceSpawnAtLookAt | Forces an instance of the given species to spawn at the position the player is looking at |
gsWildlifeSetDisplayedSpecies | Sets the species whose spawn chance is shown on the debug minimap to the species with the given name |
gsWildlifeSetMaximumBudget | Sets the maximum budget of the wildlife manager, determining how many total instances can be spawned |
gsWildlifeSpawnFlyingInstance | Spawns the given number of flying instances that travel over the player |
gsWildlifeToggleAI | Toggles instance AI on/off (does not work for companions, i.e. deer) |
gsWildlifeToggleDebugView | Toggles the debug view for the wildlife system |
gsWildlifeToggleDespawning | Toggles despawning on/off |
gsWildlifeToggleRandomPositionDisplay | Toggles random positions being shown in the debug view every frame, for debugging spawn positions |
gsWildlifeToggleSpawning | Toggles spawning on/off |
gsWiperStateSet | Sets the given wiper state for all vehicles |
gsWorldAttributesToggleDebugView | Toggles the debug view for the local world attributes |
gsXMLGenerateSchemas | Generates xml schemas |