LS 25 Konsolenbefehle

gsAICostsExportExport costmap to image file
gsAICostsShowShows the costs per cell
gsAICostsUpdateUpdate costmap given width around the camera
gsAIEnableDebugEnables AI debugging
gsAIObstaclesShowShows the obstacles around the camera
gsAIPlanningDebugShows the last planning bit vector map
gsAISetLastTargetSets AI Target to last position
gsAISetTargetSets AI Target
gsAISplinesCheckInterference [stepLength], [heightOffset], [defaultSplineWidth]Check if AI splines interfere with any objects
gsAISplinesShowToggle AI system spline visibility
gsAIStartStarts driving to target
gsAIStationsShowToggle AI system stations ai nodes visibility
gsAmbientSoundSystemReloadReloads the ambient sound system
gsAmbientSoundSystemToggleDebugViewToggles the ambient sound system debug view
gsAsyncManagerToggleDebugViewToggles the debug view for overlaps and raycasts
gsAutoSaveEnables/disables auto save
gsAutoSaveIntervalSets the auto save interval
gsBaleAdd [fillTypeName], [isRoundbale], [width], [height], [length], [wrapState], [modName]Adds a balegsBaleAdd straw true 1.2
gsBaleAddAll [drawSizeBox]Adds a bale
gsBaleListList available bale types
gsBrandUsageListPrints a list of all used brands
gsCameraFovSetSets camera field of view anglegsCameraFovSet 30 (Standard ist 60)
gsCameraManagerDebugToggle camera manager debug mode
gsCollectiblesShowAllShows all collectibles on the map
gsCollisionFlagShowAllShows all available collision flags


gsCollisionPresetsExportExport all collision presets to xml files

gsCustomEnvMapSet index

gsDebugManagerClearElementsRemoves all permanent elements and functions from DebugManager
gsDebugManagerGroupRemoveRemove group and its debug elements
gsDebugManagerGroupVisibilitySet groupId, [visibility]Toggle or set visibility of given group name
gsDebugManagerGroupsListList all currently used debug element groups with visibility and number of elements
gsDebugPhysicsCollisionsGroupOpens a dialog to modify collision group debug options
gsDensityMapToggleDebugToggles debug mode
gsDepthOfFieldSetFarParams farCoC, farStart, farEndSet far depth of field parameters
gsDepthOfFieldSetNearParams enabled, nearCoC, nearEndSet far depth of field parameters
gsDestructibleObjectsDamageAddAdd damage to destructible object camera is pointed at
gsDestructibleObjectsDebugToggle DestructibleMapObjectSystem debug
gsEnvironmentAreaSystemToggleDebugViewToggles the environment checker debug view
gsEnvironmentAutoExposureToggleToggles auto exposure
gsEnvironmentFixedVisualsSet periodIndexSets the visual seasons to a fixed period
gsEnvironmentMaskSystemToggleDebugViewToggles the environment mask system debug view
gsEnvironmentReloadReloads environment
gsEnvironmentSeasonalShaderDebugShows the current seasonal shader parameter
gsEnvironmentSeasonalShaderSetSets the seasonal shader to a forced value
gsFarmSetSet farm for current player or vehicle
gsFarmlandBuyBuys farmland with given id
gsFarmlandBuyAllBuys all farmlands
gsFarmlandSellSells farmland with given id
gsFarmlandSellAllSells all farmlands
gsFarmlandShowShow farmlands
gsFieldSetGround [fieldId], [groundTypeName], [angle], [groundLayer], [fertilizerState], [plowingState], [weedState], [limeState], [stubbleState], [buyField], [removeFoliage]Opens UI to set state for specific field(s)
gsFieldSetState [fieldId], [fruitName], [growthState]Opens UI to set state for specific field(s)
gsFieldToggleNPCLoggingToggle field npc action logging
gsFieldToggleStatusShows field status
gsFillUnitAdd fillUnitIndex, fillTypeName, [amount]Changes a fillUnit with given filllevel and filltype
gsFruitTypesExportStatsExports the fruit type stats into a text file

gsGuiDrawHelper [lineSpacing [0..1]]



gsHudVisibilityToggle HUd visibility
gsI3DCacheCleanRemoves all cached i3d files to ensure the latest versions are loaded from disk
gsI3DCacheShowShow active i3d cache
gsI3DLoadingDelaySet minDelaySec, [maxDelaySec], [minDelayCachedSec], [maxDelayCachedSec]Sets loading delay for i3d files
gsI3DPrintActiveLoadingsPrint active loadings
gsIgnitionLockDebugToggles the iginition lock debug view
gsIndoorMaskToggleToggle indoor mask visualization






gsLicensePlateCreateAIIcons numX, numY, variationIndex, positionCreate license plate icons for AI vehicles
gsLightProfileToggleToggles between high and low light profile on vehicles & placeables
gsMaterialManagerDebugDebug particle effect
gsMoneyAdd [amount], [farmId]Add a lot of money
gsNetworkDebugToggle network debugging
gsNetworkShowObjectsToggle network show objects
gsNetworkShowTrafficToggle network traffic visualization
gsNetworkShowTrafficClientsToggle client network traffic visualization
gsNoteExportExports currently created note nodes as i3d file
gsNoteListLists currently created note nodes in console/log
gsObjectMaskPresetsExportExport all object mask presets to xml files
gsOverlayManagerResetDeletes all currently loaded texture configurations
gsPalletAdd fillTypeName, [fillAmount], [worldX], [worldZ]Adds a pallet
gsParticleSystemDebugDebug particle effect
gsPedestrianSystemDebugDebug pedestrian system
gsPedestrianSystemReloadReload pedestrian system xml
gsPedestrianSystemToggleToggle pedestrian system
gsPlacementCollisionsShowShows the collisions for placement and terraforming
gsPlayerAnimationDebugToggles animation debug view
gsPlayerAnimationReloadReloads the animations
gsPlayerDebugFlagToggleToggles the debug display flag with the given name for the player
gsPlayerDebugFlagVerbosityToggleToggles the debug display verbosity flag with the given name for the player
gsPlayerFlightToggleEnables flight to be toggled (key J). Use keys Q and E to change altitude
gsPlayerNoClipToggle [disableTerrainCollision]Toggles player collision. First argument is a boolean to determine if collision with the terrain should also be disabled
gsPlayerSoundsDebugToggles sounds debug view
gsPlayerSoundsReloadReloads the sounds
gsPlayerSuperSpeedToggleMassively increases the movement speed of the player
gsPlayerSuperStrengthToggleToggles the super strength mode for the player
gsPowerConsumerSetSets properties of the powerConsumer specialization




gsProductionPointsListList all production points on map
gsProductionPointsPrintAutoDeliverMappingPrints which fillTypes are required by which production points


gsReverbSystemSettingsReloadReloads the reverb settings
gsReverbSystemToggleDebugViewToggles the reverb debug view
gsScriptCommandsListLists script-based console commands. Use ‚help‘ to get all commands
gsSearchSearches for script-based console commands containing the given string (name and description). Use ‚help‘ to get all commands
gsSetFixedExposureSettings keyValue, minExposure, maxExposureSets fixed exposure settings
gsSetHighQuality coeff, [foliageCoeff: default=coeff*0.5]Increase draw and LOD distances of foliage, terrain and objects
gsShallowWaterSimDebugToggle shallow water simulation debug mode
gsShallowWaterSimExtraDepthSet extraDepthSet water simulation extra depth
gsShallowWaterSimPaint [circle|rect], [velocityScale], [radiusOrWidth], [height]Paint shape on simulation
gsShallowWaterSimParamSet updateStepTime, externalAcceleration, dampeningSet water simulation parameters
gsShallowWaterSimResetReset water simulation
gsShopUIToggleToggle shop config screen UI visibility
gsSnowAddAdd snow
gsSnowAddSaltSalt around player
gsSnowResetReset snow
gsSnowSetSet snow
gsSnowShaderSetForce snow shader value for map objects
gsSoundManagerDebugToggle SoundManager global debug mode
gsSoundMixerDebugToggle sound mixer debug mode
gsSplineDebug [displayEPs]Toggles debug visualization for all splines currently in the scene
gsStoneSystemAddDelta fieldId, [delta]Add stone delta to field
gsStoneSystemSetState fieldId, stateSet stone state to field
gsStoneSystemToggleDebugToggles debug view
gsStoreItemsReloadReloads storeItem data
gsTakeEnvProbesTakes env. probes from current camera position
gsTeleport farmlandId or xPos, [zPos], [useWorldCoords]Teleports to given field or x/z-position
gsTensionBeltDebugToggles the debug tension belt rendering of the vehicle

gsTimeSet timeHours, [skipDayOnly]Sets the day time in hours
gsTipAnywhereAdd fillTypeName, amount, [length], [rows], [spacing]Tips a fillType
gsTipAnywhereAddAllTips a heap of every fill type that can be tipped
gsTipAnywhereClearClears tip area
gsTipCollisionsShowShows the collisions for tipping on the ground
gsTipCollisionsUpdateUpdates the collisions for tipping on the ground around the current camera
gsToneMappingToggle Tone Mapping dialog visibility
gsTrafficSystemLightsDebug light|left|right|brakeReloads traffic system
gsTrafficSystemReloadReloads traffic system
gsTrafficSystemToggleDebugEnables debug rendering for the collision geometry
gsTrafficSystemValidateValidates traffic system setup
gsTreeAdd length, treeType, [growthState], [delimb]Load a loose tree trunk
gsTreeCutCut all trees around a given radius
gsTreeDebugToggle tree/splitshape debug mode
gsTreeLoadAllSpawn all trees in front of player
gsTreePlant treeType, number, growthState, variationIndex, isGrowingPlant given number of trees of a specified type
gsVehicleAddDamageAdds a given amount to current damage amount
gsVehicleAddDirtAdds a given amount to current dirt amount
gsVehicleAddWearAdds a given amount to current wear amount
gsVehicleAddWetnessAdds a given amount to current wetness amount
gsVehicleAnalyzeAnalyze vehicle
gsVehicleBottomArmSetWidthSets the width of the bottom arm to a certain category width
gsVehicleDebugToggles the vehicle debug values rendering
gsVehicleDebugAttacherJointConnections jointIndexVisualization of the connection hoses and power take offs per attacher joint
gsVehicleDebugCastShadowVisualizes all shapes that cast shadows
gsVehicleDebugCylinderedUpdateDebugShows the name of each movingPart or movingTool that is updated
gsVehicleDebugDecalLayerVisualizes all shapes with decal layer
gsVehicleDebugLODEnables vehicle LOD debug
gsVehicleDebugLightIESProfilesEnables and disables IES profiles on the light source (only the automatically assigned profiles)
gsVehicleDebugMaterial materialTemplateNameVisualizes all shapes that got the given material template assigned
gsVehicleDebugMergeGroupsVisualizes all merge groups
gsVehicleDebugPassengerSeatsEnables debugging for passenger seat character targets
gsVehicleDebugPowerTakeOffsSpawns all power take offs in front of the player
gsVehicleDebugSharedLights [defaultLight], [brakeLight], [highBeam], [workLightBack], [workLightFront], [turnLightLeft], [turnLeftRight], [reverseLight]Spawns all shared lights in front of the player
gsVehicleDebugToggleWheelDisplacementToggles the interaction of the wheels with the displacement
gsVehicleDebugTopLightsToggles between top and bottom lights
gsVehicleDebugWetnessVisualizes the wetness masking of the vehicle
gsVehicleDebugWheelEffectsEnabled the wheel effects all the time
gsVehicleExportScenegraphExports the vehicle scenegraph to a xml file
gsVehicleFuelSetSets the vehicle fuel level
gsVehicleLoadAll [loadConfigs], [modsOnly], [palletsOnly], [verbose]Load all vehicles
gsVehicleOperatingTimeSetSets the vehicle operating time
gsVehicleRecordAnimationTurns on the state recording for the given animationName
gsVehicleRecordStateStarts and stops vehicle state recording
gsVehicleReload [resetVehicle], [radiusAroundPlayer]Reloads currently entered vehicle or vehicles within a range when second radius parameter is given
gsVehicleSaleSystemRefreshGenerate new set of sale items
gsVehicleShowDistanceShows the distance between vehicle and cam
gsVehicleTemperatureSetSets the vehicle motor temperature
gsVineSystemPrintCellMappingPrint the current cellmapping
gsVineSystemSetGrowthStateSets vineyard growthstate
gsVineSystemToggleDebugToggles debug view
gsVineSystemUpdateVisualsUpdates the visuals
gsWeatherAddAdds a weather object by type
gsWeatherDebugToggles weather debug
gsWeatherReloadReloads weather data
gsWeatherSetSets a weather object by type
gsWeatherSetCloudsSets cloud data
gsWeatherSetDebugWindSets wind data
gsWeatherSetFog enabled, coverageEdge0, coverageEdge1, groundFogLevelDensity, groundFogExtraHeight, groundFogMinVallyDepth, heightFogMaxHeight, heightFogLevelDensitySets fog values
gsWeatherToggleRandomWindWavingToggles waving of random wind
gsWeatherTwisterSpawnAdds a twister at current position in current direction
gsWeedSystemAddDelta fieldId, [delta]Add weed delta to field
gsWeedSystemSetState fieldId, stateSet weed state to field
gsWildlifeDespawnAllDespawns all current instances
gsWildlifeForceSpawnAtLookAtForces an instance of the given species to spawn at the position the player is looking at
gsWildlifeSetDisplayedSpeciesSets the species whose spawn chance is shown on the debug minimap to the species with the given name
gsWildlifeSetMaximumBudgetSets the maximum budget of the wildlife manager, determining how many total instances can be spawned
gsWildlifeSpawnFlyingInstanceSpawns the given number of flying instances that travel over the player
gsWildlifeToggleAIToggles instance AI on/off (does not work for companions, i.e. deer)
gsWildlifeToggleDebugViewToggles the debug view for the wildlife system
gsWildlifeToggleDespawningToggles despawning on/off
gsWildlifeToggleRandomPositionDisplayToggles random positions being shown in the debug view every frame, for debugging spawn positions
gsWildlifeToggleSpawningToggles spawning on/off
gsWiperStateSetSets the given wiper state for all vehicles
gsWorldAttributesToggleDebugViewToggles the debug view for the local world attributes
gsXMLGenerateSchemasGenerates xml schemas